An Odyssey into genocide, the media and an uneasy conscience
MAR 19th 2017 - At last Mugabe has fallen; so odd to watch the footage I filmed 11 years ago; now part of his final BBC video montage. So glad to be able to say its Just "Me and a Million Tampons" left and at last the monster Mugabe is removed. I hope for a better future for the wondrous peoples of Zimbabwe and look forward to going back to visit all those that helped me document the horror that occurred.
FEB 21st 2017 - After touring the world in film festivals and on varoius TV stations, Mugabe, Me and Million Tampons is screening with SIMA again in Cambodia at the 3rd Annual SIMA film impact film fest - Jan 17th 2017 -
FEB 21st 2015 - 'Mugabe eats a Zoo for his birthday party!', Its like the monster from the film is not only acting out his cruel and twisted regime to destroy his own people but also the animals of Zimbabwe as well! He killed and ate an Elephant to celebrate his birthday! Click link for story: 'Monster Eats Elephant'
DEC 4th 2014 - With Mugabe the monster rigging yet another election Zimbabwe and its people will have to wait till we can depose him. The film is now online and free to watch below, thanks to all the thousands that watched the film and supported the cause.The film goes on sale with all the DVD extras and a NEW ending soon. Will the film come true? What will be the new ending? watch this Gonzo-Samurai sword is drawn...
It's election raise awareness over Mugabe's brutality, you will be able to view the ENTIRE film here online for 2 days only starting on the 30th July. Tweet
AUGUST 2nd 2013 - We are going to keep screening the film until the results of the Zimbabwe elections have come in - Due to massive demand from the public to keep the film going in hope that the monster Mugabe is taken down, even though everything is pointing to another rigged election...
If he does win again we suggest someone out there follows the films final suggestion and we'll sort the rest!
Email comments or queries to You can read the Press Release here. Please spread the word!

The documentary was recently shortlisted for the 2013 Social Impact Media Awards (SIMA).
The film is currently being shown across the USA, if you would like to screen the film too download the SIMA catalogue.
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So we're late to the party but we've finally joined twitter. Follow us for updates. Follow @mugabefilm